Tuesday, January 24, 2012
First Day of Kindergarten
Ryan is a big bad kindergartener. He was SO excited about his first day of school.
He requested waffles for his breakfast, of course I happily obliged. I had asked him the night before what he wanted. He said waffles first, then changed it and said just cereal. The morning he said waffles again. So, he got his waffles!
Nana and the whole fam came to see him off for his first day. I got teary eyed. I can't believe he is so big. He couldn't wait to get in the gate. They make all the parents stay out side of the gate, and the kids get checked in one by one. (The line was RIDICULOUS. I was glad we got there early). Ryan's mom showed up after he had gone in the gate already. He ran by to say hi and he was off again.
And now begins our mighty journey into elementary school. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this!

Monday, January 23, 2012
Ethan Loren Erdman
My little boy. Ethan Loren Erdman came into this world at 11:29AM on July 12th, 2011. 19 1/2 inches, and 7lbs 4oz.
Me, in Labor. Now, both times labor has been pretty uneventful. I got my epidural right after they started the Pitocine. I didn't even feel any contractions.
My epidural hurt more than ANYTHING. Ugh. My epidural with Lilly was easy peasy, guy was done in 3 minutes. This guy took like 20 minutes. He was cracking jokes and trying to be funny, but all I wanted was for him to hurry the crap up. He finally got me all good to go, but he did my epidural wrong, and it was all going to my right side, and barely any in my left. I kept telling him when he was putting it in it was wrong. He insisted it wasn't. Well buddy, you aren't the one who can feel it going into your spine, are you? I had to lay on my left side to get it to drain over and get that side numb too. I was missing my old epidural guy from Lilly's birth.
I was only in labor for about 3 hours. I started feeling like I NEEDED to push. The nurses were laughing at me because she had checked me 30 minutes prior and I was only at 4 centimeters. I begged her to check me again. I told her I HAD to push. She laughed at me and said 'ok ok'. She finished what she was doing and took FOREVER. I was getting so impatient. I really really had to push. I was telling her it was time. Finally she got over to me she checked me and said 'oh my, it's time! I can feel his head!'. Bobby jumped up and was shocked. He couldn't believe it. He kept saying 'wait right now???' They called my Dr. and said to 'wait' because he was on his way. WHAT? I played this game last time, I'm not waiting! The nurse that was in there wasn't even the right nurse, she was just filling in until the other one got back from break or lunch or whatever she was doing. She wasn't even a L&D nurse. But she was probably the best one out of all of the nurses I've had during the baby having process. So my Dr. gets there, his name was Dr. Ibay. Little asian man. Very nice. He told me to push, and after 2 pushes, he was out! I didn't feel a thing! Literally pushed TWO times. Crazy isn't it?
My first look at him. He was so beautiful. He just... he just looked at me. He didn't cry or anything. He was so alert as to what was going on. He just looked in my eyes, like he was saying 'oh hi there mom. I'm out finally, what's up?'. He didn't start crying until they took him away from me and started wiping him off and sucking the stuff all out of his nose.
Our little family together. Ryan was with his mom on this day, and wouldn't bring him down to the hospital to see his new brother. He got to meet him a few days later when we came home and it was Bobby's parenting time. When he did see him he was very excited and happy. Lilly was so curious, and was just happy to see ME after not having me around since she woke up.
My sweet baby boy. I can't believe that I gave birth twice in the course of 13 months. Two beautiful, wonderful little babies. All mine. God has blessed me so. Welcome to the world, little Ethan. I can't wait to raise you, and see the man you will become, and the plan God has for your life. You are my sweet blessing. I can't believe I get to be your mommy. <3

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