Saturday was nice and relaxing as well. We woke up, and I asked Ryan what he wanted for breakfast. His reply? "Macaroni cheeeeese!!" Surprised? nope. lol. Well, h
e got waples again (I was going to make scrambled eggs, then realized I have nothing to cook them in! Everything is packed!!). We got all ready and headed over to Ono's house (Bobby's dad) to swim again! We get there and I stick my foot in because he was bragging the night before how nice and warm his pool was. OMG!! Can you say FrEeZiNg?!?! My pool was a sauna compared to his pool!! I jumped out and screamed. Bobby walked outside and I informed him there was no way he was swimming today because it was wayyyyy colder than my pool had been the day before. He puts his foot in and agree's with me. Ryan gets in and goes 'it's not cold' shaking his head in the cute way he does. So again, it was up to me to swim with the little monster. ;-) Ryan imediately wants to show grandpa he knows how
to swim so we show him and he laughs. He throws some floaties at me and we put them on his arms. He didn't like them but dealt with them. That's when the real fun began! He was swimming by himself I was just holding his sides because he
kept screaming back at me, 'Hunnie! Don't let go!' A few times once we got closer to the steps I took my hand off his side and he didn't like that at all. So we continued to swim for a long while, me pretending to hold him and Ryan really was doing it all on his own. I pulled his butt up a few times, but other than that, it was all him. He will get it, it's just going to take a couple more tries before he realizes he can do it alone. Bella came with us and layed out in the shade the whole time.
She's not dumb. haha. Ono starts the grill and made us some amazing cheeseburgers. After the afternoon with my future father-in-law and Sharon we headed home. Ryan was out in a matter of 3 minutes. The pool and sun do a number on him. He was exhausted. We get home and I shower and get ready. We had plans to go over to my best friend Pat's house for the fight. I get done getting ready and walk into the living room and find my boys, tuckerd out sound asleep. Too cute =]

The rest of the night we had a blast over at Pat's house. Justin and Stephanie were there and we had a really fun time. The fight was awesome, Rashad Evan's got his butt kicked! Which is what I was hoping would happen... He's a cocky jerk. I was really glad the other guy won. Around 10 we were exhausted and couldn't wait to get to bed and go to sleep! So we said our goodbye's and headed home. Wow what a full weekend so far and we were only half way through it!
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