Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lilly 15 months

My Lilly. She is walking all over, climbing on everything, and crawling under and into as many things she can. She just learned to drink through a straw a few days ago. She started getting Ethan's binkie for him when he cries and shoves it in his mouth. She dances when she hears music. She has started liking to cary a blankie around, especially when she can grab it off her little brother ;-). She loves to talk and play with anything that has buttons. She loves eating everything we eat. She loves the water, plays in her splash table outside, plays in the bath, loves to swim. She gets into the dog water as much as she can! She can go up and down the stairs like a champ. She lives to play with Ryan, he is her best friend. She got 6 teeth in 1month!! So many changes, she is growing into this silly, sweet little girl.

Not the most flattering picture, but she was making some yelling noises when I snapped this

Again, more yelling. She loves this bucket on her head... walks around with it hitting chairs and what not. It's pretty darn funny.

Do you see the profile on this child? Have you ever seen such a perfect little girl???

Blurry iPhone picture, but she loves her baby brother.

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