Christmas this year was extra special for our family. It was our first Christmas with our amazing blessing, Lilly.

Santa was good this year, better than I thought he was going to be able to be, infact. Ryan was excited about his gifts, and was very sweet in helping Lilly (read: doing it for her) open her gifts. He is one of the best big brothers I've seen. he loves his baby sister.
And Santa brought Ryan his nerf gun he has been asking for. He must have been a good boy this year :-)
He was really excited to get his starwars lightsabers. I mean, really excited.
We were surrounded by awesome family all day. Bobby's dad and step mom came over in the morning to bring the kids even MORE stuff and visit for a while. It was really good to see them.

Santa was good this year, better than I thought he was going to be able to be, infact. Ryan was excited about his gifts, and was very sweet in helping Lilly (read: doing it for her) open her gifts. He is one of the best big brothers I've seen. he loves his baby sister.
I got hubby the playstation move, and both of them new games to go with it.
Next up we went over to grandma's house! Carol and Jon prepared a beautiful and delicious ham. Erika and I helped with the side dishes. we were all stuffed! Good food + family is always awesome.
Later, we went to visit Nana and Dumps. We had a full day this year, that's for sure. There they got even MORE... man, talk about ranking in this year. They SURE did! We spent a nice evening over there and enjoyed the company and laughs.
This Christmas was probably one of my favorites so far. I know, we have many more to go, but it was truly just a wonderful day, spent with the people we love the most.

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