Bobby recently got a new job doing valet at the Cosmopolitan casino on the strip. We were so excited when he got the news! It was such a huge blessing, as he got to quit working at FedEx finally. That job was back breaking and he hated it. Cars are his thing, so getting to drive an array of different cars every night is right up his alley. It's good to see him enjoy what he is doing and I'm so proud of him. We still have our school open, that isn't impacted at all, so it works well for now.
Just before their big grand opening, they had to do a dry run of all the employee's. The held an event during the weekend where all the employees got to bring one person and enjoy the 'package' that they picked. Every employee picked a 'package'. Each package was different. Some had nights stay in a room, some had valet parking, different resturants were in each packet, and everyone got a different amount of money (play money hehe) to gamble with. Bobby drew a package that gave us $1,000 each to gamble with, and dinner at the best steak house in the world. Not kidding, this steak house STK, is rated #1 steak house in the world right now.
We had reservations at STK and we were both READY. We get there, and low and behold, our reservation was canceled. :-( apparently, they had overbooked. So they randomly canceled people. To say we were disappointed would be an understatement. They told us we could go to any other place for dinner. We settled on a nice burger place. Food = awesome. I had a great burger as did Bobby. Their milkshakes are to die for. Soooo yummy.
After dinner we took a tour of the WHOLE place. Well, Bobby played tour guide, as he had been there every day through every inch of the place for weeks at that point. The pool area is BEAUTIFUL. Absolutely gorgeous. It's on the roof, so you have a view of the strip from up high. I can't find pictures I took of it on my phone. I think those pictures are part of the bunch that I lost with this last restore of my phone :-/. I'm sure you can look online for some pictures of it. There are like 3 different levels of pools. The main pool area is the biggest and they put concerts on out there. Then there is a smaller area but just as beautiful, then you go really upstairs and there is a beautiful pool with jacuzzi's with waterfalls that are gorgeous. I'm sad I don't have my pictures. :-( The third pool is connected to the nightclub. The nightclub is massive! I'm sure the nights they have are fun because there is so much space and lots of room to dance.
After walking EVERYWHERE, Bobby and I went downstairs to gamble. As we were at a Texas Hold Em table, someone walked by and handed us their money vouchers. $10,000 worth! So we cashed them in and went to the high roller area. So fun. We spent about an hour gambling and then gave all our left over money to the people at the craps table we were playing at. We were tired and ready to go home! It was a great night, though. We had so much fun.