Playing out in the dirt
Ryan loves his baby brother
My crazy little girl, she likes to put baby clothes on ALL the time!
My sweet little boys
She found this, and decided it was more fun to play with than her toys.
Playing with the baby. She was showing me where his nose was.
Trying to fit in her baby seat. She fit, and then couldn't get out. She screamed, and I laughed.
I can't rotate this. :-/
Hi bright eyes!
Giving Emmett a hug
Hubs and I having fun with pictures
Trying to start potty training...
Sleeping exactly the same. HILARIOUS
OH NO! You caught me!!!
Eh, oh well.
Isn't he the sweetest?
More sitting on the potty...
Emmett, protecting baby Ethan
Ryan always wants to hold Ethan. Always asking to hold the baby. It's so adorable.
Playing at the park
Ethan is trying to sit up on his own
Snuggles and kisses for her baby
Best onesie EVER. Leave it to Nana to find awesome stuff like this.
She has a huge love of Ryan's toy cars. Always playing with them.
Droopy, protecting Lilly.
Boys best friend
Passed out while we decorated the school for Halloween!
Lilly giving more hugs
Sweet baby
Piggy tails!!