This year's karate Halloween party was QUITE the success. We were a tad worried, because the elementary school and the rec center were all holding their own parties the same day and time. We had SO many kids in the school, it almost wasn't big enough! We had some great costumes and a lot of fun games.
I waited way too long this year to get us all costumes. We didn't get to be our themes like we have been in the past years. :-( I'm shooting for next year. This year, I was Betty Rubble (from the flinstones). I put my hair in a really cute bob, it turned out awesome. Hubs was one of the blue guys from Avatar. His mask was scary as crap! He walked into our room as I was getting ready, and both dogs started going crazy barking at him! He removed the mask and they were looking at him like 'what the heck man??'.

The Esparza twins had, I think, the most awesome costumes of everyone!

My sister came and brought her sister in law and her kids. We're all family, doesn't matter. Monica looked great as a dead nurse! She is such a pretty girl. I didn't get a picture of her other daughter (Lili, her's not mine) which was unfortunate. She looked great too!

Ryan and Gage won 'cutest costume'. I have to admit, Ryan sure was darn cute in his little bear costume! He and Gage were both quite deserving of the award!
We had a really awesome evening. I baked cupcakes and we had pizza for everyone. I already can't wait for next Halloween! I LOVE Halloween!