So Friday we had our big midway through ultrasound. They check the heart and brain and everything that's important. Ryan saw her on the screen and asked ‘is that baby Lilly? IS SHE COMING?????’ then saying ‘HUNNIE! LILLY IS COMING NOW!!’ hahaha, we had to explain to him that she wasn’t coming yet, that my tummy had to be bigger first. He got this almost disappointed look on his face and said ‘ok’ then went to playing on my iPhone. Lol. The Dr. said she's a healthy baby! Her heart looks good, all 4 chambers, but they couldn't get a good look at the arteries, so we go back in about 5 weeks so they can take another look. (which is fine with me, because I get to see her again!) She’s still a girl (thank goodness!). She was just hanging out, she’s so much bigger than when we got our first ultrasounds! She had lots of space before, and now she’s kind of smooshed in there! Lol. Oh I’m so excited for her. I love her so much already. I can’t wait till May/June comes when she can meet all the people who lover her already.
Mommy's little munchkin