Friday, September 13, 2013


My friend Danny came home for a couple weeks from Germany! He is in the Army, does EOD. He is SUPER smart. Always has been. We have been friends since I moved here, Sophomore year of high school. He, Shannyn and I have always been pretty close. He is one of the few guy friends who has turned into family over the years. He carried me through calculus in school.... Wouldn't have made it out without him!

He left to go into the military only a couple years after high school. He has been deployed to Afghanistan and has seen and experienced more than I could ever even dream about. I'm really proud of him for what he's done for our country. I'm sure ill never fully understand or know all he has done, but I hope he knows I appreciate and admire him all the same.

He has been in Germany for a couple years now. I haven't seen him since I was pregnant with Lilly. I'm excited he is home and can spend a little time with him before he goes back! We went to Shannyn's Mommy's house (my second mom) and hung out for a few hours. It was nice to get to chit chat with all of them!

Danny and Ethan hit it off. I'm hoping that's smart guy friendship, and that Ethan flocked to him knowing he was a fellow smart guy. ;-)

I'm blessed with some amazing friends. It's not often people are close with their same group of high school friends years and years later.

- With love, from my iPhone

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